Children and Youth Overview - Here's a 30,000 foot view of your calling.
C&Y Overview.pdf
Foreman Model (for bishops and bishoprics) - How can treating YM leaders like subcontractors change everything?
Delegation-Foreman Model.pdf
Subcontractor Model (for advisors and specialists) - What does it mean to take 100% responsibility?
Delegation-Subcontractor Model.pdf
Blueprint - Is everyone on the same page? A unified vision (blueprint) is vital to any organizational success.
Delegation - Every leadership position involves delegation. How can I do it better?
Let Them Lead - How do I help quorum presidencies REALLY lead? Try a teeter-totter!
Presidency Meetings-Teeter Totter.pdf
3-Month Planning - Helping youth plan activities is HARD. This might help.
3-Month Planning Meetings.pdf
Christ-Centered Activities - Our role is to help youth come unto Jesus Christ. EVERY activity is a chance to do this.
Connect it to Christ.pdf
Variety - Lessons getting boring? Here are some ideas to spice it up.
Variety Ideas.pdf
Pair & Share - Turn lecturing lessons into interactive experiences.
Pair & Share.pdf
Sandbox - As youth learn to lead, they need the safety and security of strong boundaries. Give 'em a sandbox.
Resources - There are so many resources available, and so much already done for you. Take a look at a few.
Training Documents.pdf